Hundreds of Free Meals Every Week
served with love and compassion at our home locations
"Whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me. And again, "whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me."
Mathew 25:40 and 45

Serving Hope & Meals
Our journey began with a divine calling to provide free meals to the community in our own homes. Such welcoming home aspect is the unique characteristic of this Ministry, not only feeding people in need but giving them a feeling of belongness. In addition, those who approach us with personal and family issues also receive free counseling sections from one of our designated volunteer professionals.
250 free meals every week!
Served on a specific day, according to each of our home locations.
500lbs of free and fresh produce every week!
In great variety to tenths of needed families.
Thousands of free pieces of clothing!
Every quarter to needed families.
Not a Non-profit!
Not a business!
Not a Church!
We are just fellow humans trying to make the world a better place one meal at a time.
We're currently working towards establishing our a second home location. Our goal through time is to establish as many home locations as possible, helping like this thousands of families every week in different towns.
Little by little and always with God's blessings we will get there. From the very beginning the PGP has not being our business but God's, so He will continue to show the way as we humbly seek to serve.
Our only source of support are donations, coming from those who freely desire to help. So, won't you please consider becoming a partner of the Pastor's Good Platter Ministry, by pledging a monthly donation? You can also choose a one time only donation, no problem, however you can better aid the PGP with an ongoing monty support, which you can stop any moment at your convenience. We need your help!
100% Free meals - 100% Free produce - 100% Free labor through Volunteers
100% Of your donation goes only towards meals preparation!