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Hundreds of Free Meals Every Week 

served with love and compassion at our home locations 



"Whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me. And again, "whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me."

Mathew 25:40 and 45

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Serving Hope & Meals

Our journey began with a divine calling to provide free meals to the community in our own homes. Such welcoming home aspect is the unique characteristic of this Ministry, not only feeding people in need but giving them a feeling of belongness. In addition, those who approach us with personal and family issues also receive free counseling sections from one of our designated volunteer professionals. 

250 free meals every week!

Served on a specific day, according to each of our home locations.


500lbs of free and fresh produce every week!

In great variety to tenths of needed families.


Thousands of free pieces of clothing!

Every quarter to needed families.

Not a Non-profit!

Not a business! 

 Not a Church! 

We are just fellow humans trying to make the world a better place one meal at a time.


We're currently working towards establishing our a second home location. Our goal through time is to establish as many home locations as possible, helping like this thousands of families every week in different towns.


Little by little and always with God's blessings we will get there. From the very beginning the PGP has not being our business but God's, so He will continue to show the way as we humbly seek to serve. 


Our only source of support are donations, coming from those who freely desire to help. So, won't you please consider becoming a partner of the Pastor's Good Platter Ministry, by pledging a monthly donation? You can also choose a one time only donation, no problem, however you can better aid the PGP with an ongoing monty support, which you can stop any moment at your convenience. We need your help!


100% Free meals  -  100% Free produce  -  100% Free labor through Volunteers
100% Of your donation goes only towards meals preparation!




1- Through Wise: Money without borders ( Make a bank transfer with no fees.
WISE a highly trustable company, with over 20 million registered customers. It should take you no more than 2 minutes to register and then be able to use it. When choosing to make a transfer instead of a direct deposit to Wise, you shouldn't be charged any fees from your financial institution. However, in case your bank does so, just subtract the fee from your donation amount so you are covered. Currently, they offer the best currency exchange rates for conversion from US Dollar to Brazilian Real, plus their fee for having the funds transferred to our local Brazilian bank is the lowest! 

To make a transfer to Wise, just follow the steps below;
    1- Go to
    2- Click "Register" and follow the instructions to get registered.
    3- After getting registered, log in into your Wise account and choose "Add money"                 then follow the prompts to transfer funds from your bank to your Wise account.
    4- After adding the funds, go to wise home page and click on "send."

    5- In the box, enter name: Saulo Miguel Fernandes (The PGP founder and director)
    6- Choose the first option, for Saulo Miguel Fernandes.
    7- Choose amount and choose Wise as the source of funds. A small Wise                                 fee will be subtracted from the donation amount.
    8- The Dollar exchange rate will be displayed, showing how much will be                                credited to Saulo Miguel Fernandes.
    9- Click "Confirm", then "Confirm and send."
   10- If possible let us know your email in order to send confirming receiving of                         funds upon credit of funds. You can enter your email as well as a short message               in the message box available.
   Thank you very much for your support! Blessings!



   Title: Bom Prato do Pastor (Pastor's Good Dish)

   Business name: 58.421.865 Saulo Miguel Fernandes

   Activity description code: 10.96-1-00 Alimentos e pratos prontos.

   Business description code: 213-5 EI (Sole Proprietor)

   Brazilian CNPJ (Tax number): 58.421.865/0001-01 

   Address: Rua Professora Rosana Ehrhardt Vargas, 164; Cidade Universitária, SP - 13448-361 - Brazil
   Cell #: +55 19 9 9955-3211


   Instagram: @pastorsgooddish  and/or  @bompratodopastor

   We offer no services or products through our website, therefore
   there are no return or refund policies.

   Thank you for your support! Blessings!


Pastor's Good Dish (PGD), is a God given mission to feed the those in need - "For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat" said the Savior.Greetings, I am Saulo Fernandes, a former official evangelical pastor. Thank you for visiting our site where you will find more about this ministry and be offered the opportunity to participate by making a donation helping us glorify God's name through the charity work we do. "Begin to feed the whole neighborhood in your own house" was he impression God put in my heart in mid February 2023. "It is to be free of charges, and it must be done at your own home." And then He added, this is to be a gift from Me to the people." So following that impression, the PGD was established.  250 free nutritious meals are prepared and served every week, complemented by free fresh produce and fruits to tents of needed families every Friday. In addition to that we also offer free good quality clothing to hundreds once each quarter. We are not a Non-profit organization, a church or business but a group of volunteers who wants to make the world a better place one meal at a time. No one from our team o volunteers including the administration receives payment for the labor and services rendered.We focus on showcasing the positive impact our program has on the community and seek to raise donations through our website to continue our mission. Clients are touched by the warmth and compassion they receive with every meal.​With almost two years of existence we have prepared and served over 17.000 meals. Now we are expanding our services by opening and maintaining a second location. For that, we will need extra support and so we cordially invite and challenge you to give to this ministry out of generosity. Your support just once or on a monthly basis will help us to achieve our goals, establishing another PGD and feed thousands per month! Please help!

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